Digitalization of Learning in Practice Placement
The 4D project aims at addressing this gap by building individualized and customized mobile application (app) for students, tutors, supervisors, teacher of each participant organization through practice-based reflective learning, mobile technology, and technology adoption.
European Partnership
4D is a partnership of six european institutions in the framework of Erasmus+ Program
TecnoCampus School of Health Sciencies
Mataró, Catalonia / Spain
Institute for Health Sciences Research Germans Trias i Pujol
Badalona, Catalonia / Spain
Faculty of Medicine Uni. of Duisburg-Essen
Essen, Germany
University of Twente
Twente, The Netherlands
Faculty of Nursing and Health Sciences
Lublin, Poland
Graz University of Technology
Graz, Austria
Kubify - Learning Toolbox
Utrecht, The Netherlands

The project
The project takes place from February 2022 to February 2025. It is structured in five work packages led by different project partners. Collaborative work between the different partners is a key aspect of the project.
WP1. Project Management
Project governance, monitoring deliverables and defining the scientific dissemination strategy.
WP2. Determinants
Determine the key factors to introduce a mobile technology and the diffusion of innovation
WP3. Design & Digitalization
Co-design the adoption of a mobile technology in practice placement and design a platform.
WP4. Implementation & Evaluation
Implementation of the platform in a practice placement and evaluation of the results.
WP5. Dissemination & Exploitation
Promotion and dissemination of the activities and results.
Latest news
- (English) Launch of the project “4D in the digitalisation of learning in practice placement”- TecnoCampus
- (English) Linkedin Publication about the first meeting – TecnoCampus
- (Polish) 4D in the Digitalization of Learning in Practice Placement – Medical University of Lublin
- (Polish) 4D in the Digitalisation of Learning in Practice Placement – Erasmus +, KA220-HED project – University of Lublin
- (Catalan) El projecte 4D del TecnoCampus seleccionat al programa Erasmus+
- (Catalan) L’Hospital aposta pel programa Erasmus+ i la digitalització de l’aprenentatge – IGTP
- (Catalan) Can Ruti aposta pel programa Erasmus+ – TotBadalona
This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.
This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.