Project Results
Expected intellectual outputs at the end of the project

Intellectual Output 1:
Determinants for introducing mobile technology into practice
work package 2
Medical University of lublin, poland.
Germans Trias i Pujol Research Institute Badalona, spain.

Intellectual Output 2:
Design and implement a mobile learning application in practice-based learning
work package 3

Intellectual Output 3:
Evaluation and good practices in the introduction of technology in job placement
medical university DUISBURG-ESSEN, GERMANY.

Work Package 1 & 5
TecnoCampus, Spain.
Data Management Plan
Evaluation Plan
Learning Activity Report – Organisation Report
1st Multiplier Event Report
2nd Multiplier Event Report
Project deliverables
During the project, three project outcomes will be produced.
The first intellectual output is a combination of two reports:
1.1. The key factors for introducing mobile technology in practice-based learning. This report includes an overview of the different models and theories in practice-based learning and a determination of the main factors for introducing mobile technology in practice-based learning.
1.2. Recommendations to guarantee the dissemination and introduction of mobile applications in higher education practices. This report includes an overview of the diffusion and adoption of technological innovation and select the main key factors for introducing mobile applications in practical locations to move the innovation curve to the right side (from innovators and early adopters to early and late majority).
The second intellectual output, is focusing in the design, development and testing of mobile applications.
2.1 Report on co-design and co-creation methodologies, a digital learning toolbox to assist other interesting parties in the digitalization of practices.
2.2 A toolkit to serve as a valuable resource, offering insights and tools cultivated throughout the 4D Project to effectively introduce mobile technology across various scenarios and contexts within higher education in EU countries.
The third outcome of the project will be the testing of mobile applications which will be carried out in a pilot study with participants (students, clinical mentors, academic teachers) from Poland, Germany and Spain in three different hospitals. The results of the pilot study will be used to improve the design and development of mobile technology in an iterative phase and will allow the project to evaluate good practices and the knowledge base on the digitalization of learning in practice.

How will the results of the 4D project measured?
- Creation of a database with contacts and stakeholders established during the project.
- Consortium participation in conferences, seminars to present the project final results (optional but necessary).
- Develop a website and generate content on social media accounts and digital news.
- Development of e-learning material in open access. A toolkit to facilitate the learning tools in practice placements.
- Reports including the organization of multiplier events and the learning training activity.
- Videos of the project learning acivity and multiplier events.
- At least 1 scientific paper per work package between 2022 and 2025.