4D in the digitalization of learning in practice placement

The 4D project aims to introduce mobile technology in practice placements, creating a bridge between the different actors involved learning contexts to foster the best experience in practice-based learning in healthcare settings.
The 4D project aims to address this goal by implementing the five main objectives.

Determine the key factors (practice-based learning models) and the key elements (diffusion of innovation theories) to introduce mobile technology in practice placements.
Design a mobile learning application (app) for successful adoption of mobile technology in practice- based learning reflecting users’ core values and needs.
Introduce Digitalization and train the participating institutions through workshops and providing tutorials.
Pilot and assess the use of mobile learning in practice placements in healthcare higher education in three different countries in Europe.
Disseminate the project findings as a inclusive approach to exchange and support the practice placement digitalization around universities EU Countries.
The main results of the 4D project can be divided threefold:
Determinants to introduce mobile technology in practice placement
Evaluation and good practices on introducing technology in practice placement
Design and implementation of a mobile learning application in practice-based learning

Project coordinator
Funded Project by the EU Programme Erasmus+ Action Type KA220-HED. Cooperation partnerships in higher education. Call 2021 Round 1. Context: Field Higher Education.
Call identifier: ERASMUS+-ES01-KA220-HED-2021-1
Funded Agency: Spanish Erasmus National Agency ES01 – Servicio Español para la Internacionalización de la Educación (SEPIE).
Project start date: 28-02-2022. Project end date: 27-02-2025 (36 months).
Grant agreement number: 2021-1-ES01-KA220-HED-000027496
This project was funded by the European Commission: KA2 – Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices KA220 – Strategic Partnerships for higher education with a total budget of 377.840€.