Among partners is crucial to exchange information and update knowledge on what is going on in the different work packages, ensuring a smooth communication between the project coordinator and partners enhancing and optimise external communication and dissemination.
Regular meetings are foreseen through videocalls in order to talk about achievements, upcoming activities, report deadlines, and issues arising within the different work packages. Also will bear the main research advances during transnational meetings.
The partners are directly involved in communication activities in view of their role in the project, all partners are requested to participate in communication and dissemination activities, namely:
- Outreach activities and disseminating their results to their respective networks and university sites, on social media and through news on the 4D project website.
- Contributing on newspaper articles, posts, interviews.
- Informing other partners related initiatives and events they could participate in.
- Keeping track of the activities by filling in a dedicated reporting table available in the project share repository platform.
- Disseminating results and publications in open access.
- The involvement of all partners in the communication and dissemination activities will ensure the project to be more widely promoted, to reach a wider audience and ultimately, to have a wider impact.
News on social media:
- (English) Launch of the project “4D in the digitalisation of learning in practice placement”- TecnoCampus
- (English) Linkedin Publication about the first meeting – TecnoCampus
- (Polish) 4D in the Digitalization of Learning in Practice Placement – Medical University of Lublin
- (Polish) 4D in the Digitalisation of Learning in Practice Placement – Erasmus +, KA220-HED project – University of Lublin
- (Catalan) L’Hospital aposta pel programa Erasmus+ i la digitalització de l’aprenentatge – IGTP
- (Catalan) Can Ruti aposta pel programa Erasmus+ – TotBadalona
Video of the learning training activity TecnoCampus Mataró
Video of the 2nd multiplier event in TecnoCampus Mataró
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TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme
Avinguda Ernest Lluch, 32
08302 Mataró (Barcelona) Spain