The partners have co-designed an approach that uses Kubify’s learning toolbox (LTB) to share onboarding material & reflective feedback guidance with students & placement mentors. The solution also uses a Learning Goals Widget developed by Graz Technical University (TUG) and the University of Twente.

The learning goal widget 1) will support communication between students, mentors and teachers by making transparent learning goals and their progress assessment & 2) to support sharing of onboarding materials and refection guidance. This last action, Kubify LTB is a key part of the technology solution.

The 4D project explores how mobile technology can bridge the gap between university and placement contexts, and support healthcare students’ informal earning and reflection at the workplace. After an exciting co-design journey, we re-designed two technologies and will pilot them in Barcelona, Essen and Lublin.

Piloting will be starting in Barcelona, Essen & Lublin in 2024. It’s been great working with such an innovative, supportive and friendly group of healthcare educators from across Europe. We’re really looking forward to seeing the results of the pilots next year.